摟膝拗步,手到腳到,老師示範,一起跳兔子舞,左跳,右跳,老師我們開悟了。             櫻[玉]

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單鞭下式,老師救命喔!骨頭太硬,像老婆婆一樣,蹲不下去,來!來! 老師教


做基本功,以後老了怎麼辦,好可愛的老師,老師我愛你。          蘭                     

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         太極與無極,真空生妙有,身心與妙智慧合而為一,從生命中發掘真理與覺悟。因此最後從"執著""不執""我執"中深深愛上我的太極拳37式!    董加福


In March,1989, feeling dizzy and exhausted, occasionally with pain in the chest, I thought I came down with a flu. Maybe the symptoms would relieve after taking a little rest. However, my physical condition just went from bad to worse. All of a sudden, on my way to the next-door drugstore, I severely coughed with a burst of blood. Panic-stricken, I was rushed to the hospital, subsequently finding I was contracted with a fatal epidemic: Dengue Fever. Lying on the bed in the hospital, dizzy, sleepy but composed, I just wanted to fall asleep deeply. At other times, I stared at the injector and the needle, accompanied with the stride of my anxious family. After running out of the supplied blood, my family hurried to fly to Taipei for purchasing more blood. What’s worse, due to long time injection, my veins and muscles came to shrink so that the blood could be transfused only through the veins between my toes or fingers. Unfortunately, a severe complication, pneumonia, occurred. After the hospitalization for a whole month, I was so grateful for recovery from such a fatal disease.
After the medical treatment, I was so feeble that I took a walk under the assistance of my family. In the park, the gentle and slow movements of Tai Chi Chuan intoxicated me. Though I had difficulty walking, I endeavored to imitate the Tai Chi teacher’s actions. Several weeks later, I resumed my energy quickly. I found this exercise for keeping me healthy -- Tai Chi Chuan.
Life is often compared to a dream. My ailment brought about the affinity between me and Tai Chi Chuan. I was eager to pursue a perfect style of sports which is beneficial to both mental and physical conditions. Tai Chi Chuan is looked upon as “the gift from the heaven” after my recovery from such a serious disease. In the process of learning Tai Chi Chuan, I stuck to my goal regardless of physical pain and loneliness. With a great faith and devotion, I was immersed in the ingenuity of this ancient wisdom: Tai Chi Chuan. Without the affection toward Tai Chi Chuan, I could never make it.
It has been a few decades since I learned Tai Chi Chuan. Now, I appreciated the test of adversity. After conquering the obstacle, I could savor the elation of achievements. Being a champion in numerous Tai Chi Chuan contests, I have one motto deep in my mind: Fail and Try.
Through each failure, it is the strength and experience that I gained to encounter next challenge.
Tai Chi originates from Wu Chi (Zero). Under the cultivation of Buddhism, I could combine the martial art with true wisdom. Now, from the deeper understanding of Buddhism, I, instead of being obsessed, am profoundly infatuated with Tai Chi Chuan.          Tong  jia-fu      

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